Advent Reflection 2024 - week 3

Gaudete Sunday 

In these Advent reflections, we have been asking the question, “What can I offer, Lord?” On this “Gaudete Sunday,” the answer is found in our readings from both Zephaniah and Philippians as well as Isaiah in the responsorial psalm: Rejoice! Shout with joy and gladness. And what is the source of our joy? “The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty savior; he will renew you with his love, who will sing joyfully because of you.” 

For many who may not be experiencing joy in this season due to hardship, loss, illness, pain, (physical, mental, or spiritual), it is difficult to praise the Lord with joy and gladness. Whether this is your situation or if you are joyfully anticipating the Christmas celebration, John the Baptist has some wonderful advice in response to the crowd’s question, ”What should we do?” He tells them, “Share what you have,” “be satisfied with what you have,” “don’t take what doesn’t belong to you.” Now we can think of these in a literal sense as our material possessions, but could they not also refer to our situation in life, or the gifts we’ve been given, or even the difficult circumstances with which we are struggling? He echoes the words of the psalmist, “The Lord your God is in your midst, who will renew you with his love and sing joyfully because of you!”

As I was setting up my creche recently, I was suddenly struck by the juxtaposition of the shepherds on one side and the magi on the other. Poverty, simplicity; royalty, riches, both seeking the Christ child, both accepting their state in life, and rejoicing in the birth of a Savior by bringing the gifts they had been given, however great or small. Their common gift was to rejoice, because they recognized that the promised Messiah was in their midst!

Paul also exhorts the Philippians to “Rejoice always!” Acknowledging that this might not always be easy, he, too, answers the question, “What should we do?” “Your kindness should be known to all.The Lord is near. Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.” We can offer our worries, our prayer, and our gratitude with joy, confident that the Lord is near.

Simply put, when we rejoice in the Lord, we are offering to Him our prayer, our compassion, our struggles, and our praise. And the result? “Have no anxiety at all,” because the Lord rejoices in us! He will renew us and be joyful, too, because  of us.

Indeed, on this Gaudete Sunday, the Lord is near…as near as we allow him to be….and that is cause for rejoicing! 

PS: To get a sense of what rejoicing sounds like and also what we can offer, check out this song by Bernadette Farrell

Alleuia! Raise the Gospel


De Colores,

Sue Dougherty

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